Meet the students

Undergraduate Brazil

Murilo E. Marques

UniversityWenzao Ursuline University of Languages

Major Management and administration

I decide to go for one year abroad with Rotary, and they offered me some countries, among them it was Taiwan, at the begging I didn’t like the idea, because I thought it would be horrible, mainly because I didn’t know anything about Taiwan, the first idea was that here there was just poverty, or industries, a very polluted place. That is the view that most Brazilians have about Asia, in general.
At the same time I really want something very different from my reality in Brazil, a place that would help me grow as a person. So I start search for Taiwan, and Brazilian that had an experience here and I saw here the place I was looking for, different, with a very important language in the world, with an amazing culture, and it for sure make me feel in a different zone.