University & Program

National Taiwan University

Pharmacology (PhD Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Taught in Chinese
Fall / Spring

The Graduate Institute of Pharmacology was founded in 1962. During the early period, most of the colleagues were devoted to snake venom research under the leadership of Drs. Lee, C.Y., Ouyang, C., and Chang, C.C., thereby establishing a solid academic foundation in the field of snake venom research. Over the past few decades, our institute has grown beyond the tradition and has diversified into multiple research disciplines in biomedical sciences including (1) Neurobiology and neuropharmacology, (2) Cardiovascular genomics and pharmacology, (3) Stem cell biology, (4) Immunology and antibody-based therapeutics, (5) System biology and signal transduction, (6) Inflammation and cancer biology, (7) Epigenetic pharmacology, (8) Natural compounds and derivatives, small molecules and snake venom-based therapeutics.

Our institute is well-equipped with facilities and instruments for modern biomedical research. As a member of the research community in NTU medical school, we have full access to state-of- the-art core facilities for molecular cell biology imaging, genomics, proteomics, transgenic services and animal care. Each of our faculty members has distinct research interests and specialties, and inter-disciplinary collaboration is highly appreciated. We are actively seeking the opportunity to collaborate with domestic and international researchers so as to synergistically achieve the integrated breakthrough in both basic and translational researches. To translate our research findings into potential therapeutics, we also team up with pharmaceutical companies and clinicians for drug development. In the past decade, we are actively involved in the National Research Program for Biopharmaceuticals (NRPB) sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology to promote the development of novel therapeutics through the combination of scientific innovations and industrial collaboration.

Besides our research program, we are also dedicated to the education of graduate students and students in medical professions. We provide an integrated educational program for students in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing programs to equip the students with up-to-date knowledge in pharmacology relevant to clinical practice. We also provide vigorous scientific education and training for graduate students who are interested in biomedical research and pharmacological sciences. Graduate students are expected to develop independent thinking and research skills upon completion of their training.


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