University & Program

National Taiwan University

Oral Biology (Master's Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
75% taught in English
Fall / Spring

Oral biology comprised basic dental sciences and basic life sciences related to oral and perioral structures. Teachers in this institute are leading scientists while not necessarily being dentists or physicians. However, their research targets are focused on oral, facial, head and neck structures.

Students graduating from non-literary schools are welcome to enroll. However, dental and medical students are also encouraged to study basic biology at this institute.

Previously, this Institute had four divisions; namely, molecular biology, cell biology, growth and development physiology, and biomedical material. In 2002, the former three divisions were combined into one division. In 2010, there was no division for the master program in this institute. From 2017, annual new master program student enrollment stands at 14. In 2017, a new Ph.D. program was established. The student number for the Ph.D. program is two.

The Institute is a member of the oral and dental medical system, and responsible for the teaching and research of basic oral and head and neck related cell biology, molecular biology, physiology and biomaterial sciences. The Graduate Institute of Oral Biology offers a master degree education for 2 to 4 years. A minimum of twenty-eight credits is required for the MS degree. Journal Club (8), Oral Structure and Function (2), Advanced Oral Biochemistry (2), Special Topics in Oral Biology (2), Seminar in Oral Biology (2) and two of the following six courses including Oral Cell Biology (2), Oral Molecular Biology (2), Oral Physiology (2), Oral Immunology (2), Oral Microbiology (2), and Oral Biomedical Materials (2).


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Office of International Affairs
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