University & Program

National Taiwan University

Brain and Mind Sciences (Master's Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
75% taught in English
Fall / Spring

Welcome to the Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences (GIBMS) at Medical College of National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei! The mission of the GIBMS is to foster multidisciplinary collaborations to meet the needs and challenges in brain and mind from basic neuroscience to neuropsychiatric disorders. Currently, there are 5 core faculty members in the GIBMS, and 42 cross-departmental adjuncts across medical and main campuses of NTU, investigating diverse neuroscientific questions in both humans and animals, including calorie restriction, aging, decision-making, neurodevelopment, neuroepigenetics, pain, and neural circuits. Methods in use include molecular genetics, electrophysiology, behavioral approaches, neuroimaging, and optogenetics. Our graduate program provides rigorous interdisciplinary training for students to develop research skills and pursue careers in academia or industry.

The GIBMS was established in August 2011 under the steering committee chaired by Professor Hai-Gwo Hwu, who then served as the first acting Director of this Institute. Since its establishment, several Professors have served as the acting Director, including Professors Fang-Jen Lee, Sung-Tsang Hsieh, and Lih-Chu Chiou. Professor Hwai-Jong Cheng (University of California at Davis, USA), who has made substantial contributions to the growth of this Institute by spending his sabbatical leave as a Visiting Professor in GIBMS from August 2012 to April 2014. In December 2014, Professor Lih-Chu Chiou was appointed as the first Director of GIBMS.

The GIBMS, the Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center at NTU main campus, and the Clinical Center for Neuroscience and Behavior at NTU Hospital collectively constitute the NTU Integrative Brain and Mind Program, which aims to promote interdepartmental cooperation in neuroscience and cognitive science research in NTU. Research in the GIBMS is mainly funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan, NTU, and NTU Hospital.


Neurobiology facility: light microscopes, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, laser scanning confocal microscope, ultramicrotomes, cryostats, ultra-centrifuges, tissue culture labs, and image analysis systems.

Cognitive neuroscience facility: behavioral testing rooms for human assessment, electroencephalography (EEG) system, hardware and software resources for brain image analysis and high-level statistical computation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, magnetoencephalography (MEG) system (MRI and MEG are sponsored by the Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Culture Research at NTU), near infrared optical imaging (NIRS), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) (accessible at NTU hospital)


The GIBMS offers an interdisciplinary master program. Its goal is to train students to learn research skills and pursue a successful career in neuroscience. The core courses of GIBMS are based on three broad disciplines, namely neurobiology, cognitive science, and clinical neuroscience. Students receive solid training in basic neuroscience and cognitive science research as well as exposure to neurological disorders. Graduates from our master program will acquire skills relevant for careers in healthcare, education, data analytics, and neuropsychiatric medicine. They are in good standing to continue doctoral training in the brain and mind sciences. For students interested in a Ph.D. program, we have connections with other departments and institutes at NTU as well as collaborations with Academia Sinica for the Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) Interdisciplinary Neuroscience (INS) graduate program.

A thesis and minimum of 24 credits are required for M.S.

Master Program Requirements (credits):

1. Required Courses: Thesis (M.S.) (0), Seminar on Brain-Mind Issues (1), Neurobiology (3), Clinical Neuroscience (2), Cognitive Science (3).

2. Selective Courses: Technology of Brain Science (3), Neuroimaging Methods and Applications (3), Molecular Neurobiology of Aging (2), Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging (2), Neuroepigenetics (2), Functional Brain Imaging Experimental Design and Analysis (3), Functional and structural MRI of the brain (2), Special Topic on Molecular Biology of Aging (2), Seminar in Neuroepigenetics (2), A Multidisciplinary Approach of Pain (2), Neuroscience of Somatosensory Systems (2), When neurophysiology meets optogenetics (2).


The GIBMS is active in inviting distinguished speakers from related research fields and sponsoring various workshops.


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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