University & Program

National Taiwan University

Applied Mechanics (Master's Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Above 90% taught in English
Fall / Spring

Mechanics is a key foundation of engineering. We often enjoy the convenience of technological inventions with little awareness what buried behind the design and manufacturing of each invention is a myriad of analyses, calculations, measurements and experiments. From submarines, rockets and satellites, to microelectromechanical systems and electronic packaging, technologies available today are the collective work of the scientific progress in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, kinematics, and various other fields. At IAM, we actively promote large-scale meta-research. Our students and faculty are trained in both theoretical, experimental and data analyses emphasizing both academic and practical aspects of our research. We make every effort to contribute to the development of our country, and to make an impact in the world.

Since our establishment, year after year, we strive to expand our teaching and facilities, as well as improve our education and research. As of now, we have 30 full-time academic staff —including 2 joint appointment professors—and 201 postgraduate students. Additionally, we frequently invite influential scholars from all over the world to give lectures and take part in our research programs.

Since 1994, the primary focus of our research shifted from military technology to the construction of our country’s industries. With exceptional research teams and top-notch equipment, we strive toward towards world-class research in mechanics, and apply them in the industry as appropriate.

Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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