University & Program

National Taiwan University

Genome and Systems Biology (PhD degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Above 90% taught in English
Fall / Spring

Systems biology is an interdisciplinary study of organism by integrating the knowledge of mathematics, computational sciences, electric engineering, statistics, physics, and chemistry, as well as the traditional biology, medical science and agriculture. Being a comprehensive university, National Taiwan University recruits and educates the top researchers and scholars in various fields, and therefore concretes its ability and obligation to promote the development of systems biology in Taiwan. Since many fields of modern genetics (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) and molecular and cell biology are the current focus of research in systems biology, NTU recognizes that there is an increasing need to train the next generation scientists to complement the conventional reductionist approach with more holistic perspectives, in order to keep up with trends in current biological studies and maintain its cutting-edge research and global competitiveness. Therefore, NTU collaborated with Academia Sinica and established the joint graduate program named "Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program".


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