University & Program

National Taiwan University

Political Science and Economics (Master's Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Above 90% taught in English
Fall / Spring

National Taiwan University (NTU) is launching the International School of Politics and Economics to address Taiwan's strategic role in geopolitics and the transformative impact of emerging technologies on industrial development. This initiative is aligned with Taiwan's national talent development strategy and the "National Key Fields Industry-University Cooperation and Skilled Personnel Training Act." The School aims to cultivate global visionary leaders in politics and economics who understand international financial dynamics and possess strategic acumen. It will offer eight degree programs across three major fields, including Political Science, Economics, and Finance, at bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels. Programs will be conducted in English to accommodate both local and international students, emphasizing cross-disciplinary knowledge and practical applications starting from the fall of 2025.

Situated at NTU's Downtown Campus, renowned for its cultural and architectural charm, the School plans to establish collaborative initiatives with international institutions, fostering student exchanges, internships, and dual degree programs. It will invite global scholars and industry leaders to enhance educational offerings with contemporary insights and practical experiences. Moreover, the School aims to strengthen industry-academia ties, particularly in finance, technology, manufacturing, and healthcare, providing students with internship opportunities and promoting synergy in collaborative initiatives.


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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