University & Program

National Taiwan University

Oncology (PhD Degree)

Program Level
Language of instruction
Taught in Chinese
Fall / Spring

With the approval of the Ministry of Education, the Graduate Institute of Oncology was established under National Taiwan University College of Medicine (NTUCM) in 2008. Our interdisciplinary PhD programs have been integrated, and the first admission has been started since September, 2009. (As the first and only Graduate Institute of Oncology in Taiwan, we welcome not only well-trained physicians dedicated to cancer research but also masters from various backgrounds (such as basic sciences, engineering, biomedical sciences, or agriculture, etc.) who are highly interested in the integrated, interdisciplinary cancer research. With our distinguished faculty, interdisciplinary PhD programs, and an integrated infrastructure, we aim at cultivating new-generation leaders in oncology research.

Taking advantages of the infrastructure and resources of National Taiwan University College of Medicine (NTUCM), the affiliated NTU Hospital (NTUH), and also the NTU Cancer Hospital in active construction, we integrate basic scientists and clinical researchers to work together as a collaborative team in cancer research.By organizing the programs in different fields, we hope to conduct cancer-related studies in an integrated manner, and to facilitate the connection between various disciplines, including mechanisms of carcinogenesis, anti-cancer therapies, cancer prevention, prognosis evaluation/improvement, and cancer rehabilitation.

Our Goals:
- We would like to nurture new-generation experts who can incorporate the studies of basic sciences, clinical researches, public health, in an effort to enhance the quality of diagnosis and treatment on cancer prevention.
- With interdisciplinary basic research and application technology, our goal is to strengthen sophisticated medical treatment in cancer, to explore causes of cancer, and to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment of tumors.
- We are enthusiastic to promote international cooperation, in a hope to become the leader in cancer research in the Asia-Pacific region, and to strengthen the academic reputation of National Taiwan University.


Contact information

Office of International Affairs
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