University & Program

National Chiayi University

Department of Music

Program Level
Bachelor / Master
Language of instruction
Under 50% taught in English

The Department of Music of NCYU offers a unique interdisciplinary program leading to the Bachelor Degree in music. Students in this program specialize in a specific area chosen from music and theory, while having the opportunity to select courses within these two fields. The mission of the Department of Music is to cultivate students to obtain excellence in the fields of music performance, theory, education and research.

Curriculum Planning
The courses in the Department of Music offer qualified students the opportunity (1) to achieve excellence in a music specialization of their choice, (2) to master the appropriate skills, knowledge and competencies for a successful professional career of their specialization, (3) to develop a sound and broad musicianship that supports and completes their major fields. To meet this goal, we regularly invite notable performers and scholars with great reputation to present lectures and seminars, in order to make the Department of Music eventually become an important academic and training center for orchestral studies and performing arts in southern and central Taiwan. The faculties of this program are all experienced and expert professionals. Our full-time faculty members include two professors, four associate professors, and three assistant professors. Further, eight hold doctoral degrees, and two earns master degree from well-respected universities all over the world.

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